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Title: Studies in the lichens of the Azores. Part 5: a comparison between the lichen floras associated with Juniperus brevifolia in relict woodland in selected sites on Terceira and Flores
Authors: Purvis, O. W.
James, P. W.
Smith, C. W.
Dias, Eduardo
Keywords: Botany
Juniperus brevifolia
Ramonia azorica
Relict woodland
Endemic species
Lichen communities
Flores Island
Terceira Island
Archipelago of the Azores
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: Lichen communities associated with relict Juniperus woodland on the Azorean islands of Flores and Terceira are discussed in relation to phorophyte composition, water regime and altitude. Juniperus supports contrasting communities as a direct response to v
ISSN: 0870-3876
Appears in Collections:Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal

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